
Compositions Provided by SynVisum (Other Filter)

Image Input (Other Filter)

Used automatically for material files such as still image and QuickTime movie.
This composition itself has no effect, but like other compositions, filter can be applied.
It is also useful for video input.
(see Using Image Files)
In addition, COLLADA DAE File can be specified.

Image Cube (Other Filter)

Represents a cube with an image on each face.
[RotX], [RotY], [RotZ] are rotation angle per second around X, Y and Z-axis respectively.

Image Sphere (Other Filter)

Represents a sphere wrapped with an image.
[RotX], [RotY], [RotZ] are rotation angle per second around X, Y and Z-axis respectively.

Place (Other Filter)

Changes image position within a screen.
A unit for [Horizontal] and [Vertical] position is defined as a width of a screen correspond to [2.0] .

Zoom (Other Filter)

Zooms in an image.
[Horizontal] and [Vertical] are poisition in source image, and are defined as a width of a source image correspond to [2.0] .
Zoomed in around this position.
[Zoom] is an exponent for base 10.
([0] for unity, [1] for 10 times)

Plane Correction (Other Filter)

Same functionality as Output Adjuster.
However, this composition can be controlled by scene memory.

Rotate (Other Filter)

Rotates image around X, Y, and Z-axis.
[SpeedX], [SpeedY], [SpeedZ] are rotation angle per second around X, Y and Z-axis respectively.

Floating (Other Filter)

Gives floating effect, in addition to changing position and size of an image.
When a scene is triggered (also when a Mix Fader is raised from minimum), moves an image from [Start] to [End].
(a width of a screen correspond to [2.0])
The greater [Accel], the faster while moving.
([1.0] for uniform (linear) change)
[Time] is time for moving between [Start] and [End] (in second).
[Stay] is time for staying at [End] (in second).

If these settings are left blank (unspecified), the last specified value is used instead.
However, if [Start] is blank, special functionalities take place.

[Mode] is a combination of following 3 behaviors. [Sway] specifies floating range, and [Rate] specifies swaying speed.

Round Frame (Other Filter)

Displays an image in a circle with a colored border.
[Horizontal] position, [Vertical] position, [Wide] and [High] are defined in unit of a width of a screen correspond to [2.0] .
(in contrast, [Place] composition's [Width] and [Height] are relative to source image, thus different behavior)
[Border] is width of a border, and also defined in unit of a width of a screen correspond to [2.0] .
If [Link] is used, fits a source image into a circle, preserving aspect ratio.

Infinity Mirror (Other Filter)

Represents infinity mirror.
Although it may looks like infinity mirror depending on setting, this filter does not simulate physical phenomenon.

[Reduction] is reduction rate per reflection.
[Horizontal] and [Vertical] are offset per reflection, and are defined as a width of a source image correspond to [2.0] .
[Rotate] is rotating angle per reflection.
[Bright] is ratio of brightness per reflection.
[1.0] for unifty, less than 1 for darken.
[Reflection] is number of reflections.

[Blend] is same as [Blending Function] of a layer.


Plank (Other Filter)

Represents a board with thickness.
Behaves like a [Rotate] filter (see above).

[Side] is color of thick side.

[Vertices] is a number of vertices of the face (valid if 3 or greater).
Setting large number approximates circle.
[Phase] is rotation angle of vertices.
A polygon specified by these parameters is filled with an input image.

[Horizontal] position, [Vertical] position, [Width] ,[Height] and [Thickness] are defined in unit of a width of a screen correspond to [2.0] .
[Width] and [Height] are size of a circumscribed ellipse of the polygon.
Like an example above, for a rectangle with a phase of 45 degree, its width and height are smaller than specified (size of a circumscribed ellipse).

Quarter Flip (Other Filter)

Divide image into quadrant, then flip each area independently.

Area Number

"Source" is a source area.
"Whole" reduces whole source image.
"none" for blank.

"Swap" changes horizontal and vertical direction.
"FlipX" inverts horizontal direction.
"FlipY" inverts vertical direction.

Using with "DMX Image Ouput", it is convenience to change symmetry of chase effect among some display instruments.

Prism (Other Filter)

Shows an image at several places.

"Shape" specifies how to arrange images.
"Size" is relative size to source image.
The less size, the farther away each other and less likely overlap.
"Brightness" adjusts brightness before blending.
"Blend" is same as "Blending Function" of a layer.
"Angle" is arrangement angle.
"Rotate" is image rotation angle.
Applying "Cyclic" of Animator to "Angle" creates Rotating Prism effect.
Similarly, applying "Cyclic" to "Rotate" creates Rotating Gobo effect.

Tap (Other Filter)

See [Composition Specific Parameters] for details.

OSC Send (Other Filter)

Sends a OSC (Open Sound Control) message.
Although it is treated as a filter for convenience, it does not affect image at all.
Up to four arguments can be specified.
(last blanked arguments are not sent)
Not only arguments, but also "Target UDP Port", "OSC Address" and "Type" are recorded into scene memory.
A OSC message is sent not only when any parameter changes, but also when a scene is triggered (also when a Mix Fader is raised from minimum).
But it is not sent in bypassed state, nor Mix Fader is at minimum.

OSC Fader (Other Filter)

Same as [ OSC Send ] explained above, except that it is for "float" type (real number) only, and changes continuously in fade time of each scene.

Memo (Other Filter)

Accepts arbitrary text.
Although it is treated as a filter for convenience, it does not affect image at all.
Recorded into scene memory.

Audio Volume (Other Filter)

Controls audio volume of the computer by its layer mix fader.
[Output] is volume of audio output (master).
[Input] is volume of audio input to be thru out.
(If transition composition is used, its [Progress] is also considered)
Although it is treated as a filter for convenience, it does not affect image at all.
For Mac OSX version:

To check its operation, use [System Preferences] [Sound].

The system itself does not provide audio thru functionality.
Instead, the [LineIn] application program seems to be used generally.

For Windows version:

For Windows 7 and Vista, the [Default Device] that is specified in [Control Panel] [Sound] is operated.
It is required to enable [Exclusive Mode].

To thru audio input out, enable [Listen].

Unfortunately, on Windows XP, appropriate audio input line cannot be operated.

Music Volume (Other Filter)

Controls sound volume of the music player application by its layer mix fader.
On Mac OSX, controls iTunes.
On Windows, controls Windows Media Player.
(If transition composition is used, its [Progress] is also considered)
Although it is treated as a filter for convenience, it does not affect image at all.

NDI Send, NDI Receive (Other Filter)

Send and receice image via NDIĀ® (Network Device Interface) standard.
It is possible to communicate with other software running on the same computer or other computer via network.
NDIĀ® is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc.
(this function send/receive image (video) only, not for audio or meta data)

On sender, set [Name] as identifier.
On receiver, the name of sender is shown prefixed with computer name.
If [Thru] is checked, input image is output as is.

To use this function, runtime library file provided by NewTek, Inc. is required.
It may be alreary installed by other software that utilize NDI.
Check installation, and if not installed yet, download installer then install.
  • macOS
    Typical installed location:

  • Windows
    Typical installed location:
    (64bit) C:\Program Files\NewTek\NDI 4 Runtime\v4\Processing.NDI.Lib.x64.dll
    (32bit) C:\Program Files\NewTek\NDI 4 Runtime\v4\Processing.NDI.Lib.x86.dll