
Compositions Provided by SynVisum

Many Quartz Compositions are provided by Mac OSX system handy.
These compositions offer great possibilities.

In addition, SynVisum also provides some useful compositions as supplementary.
We will create more compositions on request to email as best as we can.



Distortion Filters

Stylize Filters

Utility Filters

Other Filters

Compatible Compositions
For Windows version, some compositions that are almost compatible with Mac OSX system's are provided.
[SynVisum Setting File] with these compositions can be reproduced on both Windows and Mac OSX.
However, there are some differences in behavior and appearance due to system functionality difference.
[Blur] and [Motion Blur] operates faster than ones provided by system.
(it is due to difference of intended purpose and implementation)
System provided version are still available as [Blur1] and [Motion Blur1].