
Matching Conditions

Specify conditions how to match files.

Mac OSX version Windows version

Match if file names are the same.
(SweepUp distinguishes cases, regardless file system rule, assuming duplication.
File name extension is also compared.)

Match if file sizes are the same.
On Mac OSX version, size of a "Data Fork" is compared.
(see also "Resource" condition below)
Note that SweepUp shows total size (Data Fork plus Resource Fork) in the list.
If the "Resource" condition is not specified, it is possible that files with different size are grouped.

Created Date
Match if creation dates are the same

Modified Date
Match if modified dates are the same.

File Type

Match if content of files are exactly the same.
On Mac OSX version, content of "Data Fork" are compared.
(see also "Resource" condition below)

Functions explained below are for Mac OSX version only.

Match if creator signs of file (four-character code, such as 'stxt', indicates an application program which created the file) are the same.

Match if labels of file icon (color applied using Finder) are the same.

On Mac (mainly OS9 and earlier), sometime additional information is saved into "Resource Fork" along with more common "Data Fork".
For example, some text editing application saves user preferences, such as window position and font, into "Resource Fork", along with text data into "Data Fork".
If this option is specified, SweepUp checks size and/or content of Resource Fork.
(Note that SweepUp always checks Resource Fork for application program file ('APPL') regardless this option.
Because it is essential for "classic" application file.)